A golden eagle a stray fox and kittens hang out on a balcony in Alaska in this incredible pictures and photos

A golden eagle a stray fox and kittens hang out on a balcony in Alaska in this incredible pictures and photos

The animal never stops being amazing when it comes to bizarre friendships. In the world of nature, nothing seemed to be extravagant. Despite the stunning picture below,

this Alaskan woman gazing at the most incredible sight appeared too fantastic to accept. A bird, a fox, and her two cats started declaring war on her porch.

Although eagle and fox colonies exist in Unalaska, Alaska, witnessing them lounging with your animals on the doorway always seemed a touch excessive.

Pam Aus, on the other hand, was not only once confronted with such a sight. Pam’s cats made a friend with wild foxes despite Gizmo and Satchel, and then the gorgeous golden eagle shocked her.

Pam came out of her residence on a wintry morning to hear some sounds coming from the back patio. She was taken aback to find her 2 cats, although she was not alone.

They had some unanticipated visitors, as it ended out.

Pam told The Post, “I heard an owl squawk when on my laptop in my bedroom.” As I raised my curtains, that was just what I saw. “All foxes and hawks have a reputation for being kind.

But seeing all three of them at once was fantastic. Everybody else just sat there doing nothing.