All this dog asked for actually was only a small window or just a whole to watch other people

All this dog asked for actually was only a small window or just a whole to watch other people

And here is Harry, an incredible dog whose lovely way of spending time is observing the world go by, and he does it with keen importance.

His master, Alex, said he enjoyed spending time outside their garden with his children and was curious as to what was outside their fence, however, the roots were just so tight that nothing can be observed.

When the fence was broken by a windstorm, Alex’s father mended it by spacing the logs a little further apart. The boy then noticed what pleased the dog was. He was sifting among the strikes, trying to figure out what was going on outside their fence.

As a result, his father wanted to surprise him by making a door for him. Harry was ecstatic. He was watching the whole thing with bated breath, waiting for the man to complete and the glass to be ready.

Consider Harry’s feelings. He felt like he was in great spirits. He was beaming with delight and excitement as he looked out the window. He was so energetic at that time.

He now spends the majority of his time staring out the window. And it’s hilarious to see him travel across the world. It was well worth the effort to cheer him up.