An orphaned dog at a charity finds a new habitat when his family is evacuated.

An orphaned dog at a charity finds a new habitat when his family is evacuated.

As soon as the cut picture of an only dog, poor American Bullldog lying hopelessly in shared on facebook and different other sites and media, it shattered everybody’s heart.

The picture was taken after a very sad moment in the dog’s life:his family just left him at rescue centre.This could serve as a warning to all pet owners that they have obligations to their living animals till the end of animal’s life.

On Facebook, a picture of this sad puppy with a sad expression was posted.It’s really sad hopeless and betrayed.Ritter and Corky, 2 sad canines, were surrendered to the shelters by their people as soon as their people sold their house.Ritter’s response to the new scenario was distressing, as if he realized he wouldn’t be capable of playing with other dogs or children anymore.

Sadly, this is a real-life scenario that many pets at the charity face on a daily routine.And there was still chance for Ritter, as the rescue’s staff worked hard to search him a permanent place where he would be loved and appriciated for.

They try to find a place where he could have flet secur and protected.Ritter, you, too, are deserving of a 2nd opportunity.