As nothing more than a consequence of the dog from of the rescue hugging an unexpected visitor, the man came back home with him

As nothing more than a consequence of the dog from of the rescue hugging an unexpected visitor, the man came back home with him

A poignant video of a dog clinging to a woman’s leg, looking into his eye and begging him was lately posted to social media. The video was shot at a shelter for creatures.

In this shelter a lot of animals feel very comfortable and nice, there are also volunteers here working and trying to provide all the facilities for the animals.

The dog is a long-term inhabitant, while the guy is a reporter covering the rescue’s activities. His eyes glistened with longing! This expression can say a million words.

It is really worth seeing as all of them were very  sensitive, and the atmosphere was early very pathetic and full of love and touching moments.

Anything occurred out of the blue. An unknown dog approached the stranger and began cuddling him.

This little act contained so much warmth and optimism that the man forgot it all and started to touch the dog.

The journalist was at a loss for what to do because he’d never seen him and, but he appeared to be someone he had known for many years. The gathering was quite moving,

but those in attendance were unable to withhold their emotions.It was very toching and special day.