Consumers enjoy the loving Retriever who prefers to embrace random strangers on the roads see pictures under

Consumers enjoy the loving Retriever who prefers to embrace random strangers on the roads see pictures under

Dogs are very friendly creations, that is not a secret for anyone. When they find love with somebody, however, the intensity of the sensation has no bounds.

As a result, the amiable dog Lamborghini (for close people – just Lou) is generous with his affection, showing it to practically everyone who passes by.

Afternoon visits with Lou, per her trainer the animal Fernandez Cave, go for full days due to the obvious pet’s warm personality.

When a dog sees a newcomer, he hurries up to embrace him, much like a human would, putting his hands around a casual fling.

Neighbors in the neighborhood dubbed Lou “the hug puppy” due to various unusual habits.

It all appears to be in order, and members of the public are unable to resist a kind puppy.  Especially if they are pressed for time.

People claim that snuggling with Lou makes them feel better. Some people who know the animal approach her deliberately to obtain their “dose of pleasure” and rid of various concerns.

Lou is famous. More than 190,000 individuals already liked the unique pup’s Facebook profile.

Louie continued to be called to many workshops and meetings related to animals after several local media published on the animal.

The Hug Puppy also attempted her shot at becoming a therapy animal, and her great traits were ideal for the position.