Jlo is sharing her new nails but in fact she is showing her diamond ring

Jlo is sharing her new nails but in fact she is showing her diamond ring

J Lo is commemorating Ben with the nicest touch after he put a label on it. Thomas Bachik, a renowned nails specialist,

lionized the actress’s fingernails and attached a touching homage to Ben Her fingernails were clean, with a neutral tint and the cutest golden “J” and

“B” on her rings and middle fingers, as well as a corresponding love on her finger. Tom posted a photo of his handiwork on Facebook with the message,

“When you understand… then ya understand… Again for employer @jlo and Benjamin are always #couplegoals.” her 8.5-carat emerald diamond necklace was, obviously, visible in the photo.

The fresh fingernails arrive just over 2 months after the famed pair rekindled their relationship in 2020 and decided to get married.

Jen’s On The JLo email revealed their intentions to walk down an aisle on March 8.

She guided her viewers there in an emotional Instagram picture in which she suggested she had a “more intimate” and “compelling story to offer.”

Ever since, the pair have already been striving to make their new adventure a reality, which involves house searching. “Jenny has a large number of children,

so she’s searching for one with sufficient space to party and entertain people,” a source familiar to the pair told Link-provided Solely.

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