Matthew Mc. is the only one who has the fame and courage to talk about the incident that happened at school

Matthew Mc. is the only one who has the fame and courage to talk about the incident that happened at school

The Oscar participant came back to his native ton to console the community after the mass shooting killed 19 kids and 2 educators.

On Thursday, 05 27, Stephen returned to The USA of Uv Texas, to pay his reverence to the victim’s relatives of the Rob School firing guns massacre.

He whose mom told at a classroom one km from the sad episode where an 18-year-old alleged shooter brutally killed 19 young kids and educators, met with education department diplomats and took pics with staff but made no public remarks so at the time.

He was followed by local Republican senator T. Gonzales, who tweeted pics of the performer’s visit on Thursday morning with the description, “Understand Uvalde native Matthew trying to help us regenerate.”

Gonzales had previously mentioned, “Thank you, Matthew, for talking about our congregation.” Your meeting brought a number of smiles to Recycling of organic.

“I’ll see you pretty shortly, my dear.” Gonzales is a 2nd Amendment supporter who has planned to vote against t2 gun payments, one of which considered for gun legislation.

But even though the fact that McConaughey did not address the citizenry throughout his meeting, he was the 1st of the increased movie stars to make an announcement following the terrible incident.