Over the course of three years A. Heard’s former chief of staff claims she have never seen any scrapes or scars on the actresses’ faces

Over the course of three years A. Heard’s former chief of staff claims she have never seen any scrapes or scars on the actresses’ faces

On Thur, April 14, J. Depp’s libel trial versus A. Heard took an unusual turn. Per the Daily Mail, Amber’s former body guard K. James deposed in the lawsuit in a well before deposition,

admitting that she didn’t observe any cuts or scars on Amber throughout her tenure as an executive secretary from 2012 to 2015.

During in the testimony, Kate not only stated that she never saw Amber without wounds or bruises throughout her time as an aide to her, and she also recalled instances in which Amber was violent to her,

notably one in which the Aquaman star was unhappy with her for lounging around. “She went completely insane.” Screaming, yelling, and verbal abuse According to DM, Kate said, “(It was) a blind wrath.

” Another instance of Amber’s claimed “exploitative” behavior occurred when Kate requested a raise. “She leaped from my chair, her face 4 inches from mine, and told me how could I ask for the wage I was requesting for.

“She believed she had the authority to spat in my head because of that,” she claimed.

Kate also stated that, other from the instances with Amber, the actor had never stated that Johnny had struck her in her stint as an attendant.