Robin Wright was noticed in public for the 1st time after the split with her hubby

Robin Wright was noticed in public for the 1st time after the split with her hubby

Robin got divorced a short period before being nticed in public .She did not go out too much after that and the journalists were trying to cath her and asked her a few questions.

And receltly she was noticed in LA and she was wearing tight leggins and dark grey hoodie and had a casual look in gneral she was very calm and was walking calmly without rushing.

Her hair were in the back and as accessories she used only glasses.

Before being seen in public she made an announcment about her ivorce and mentioned that they decided to choose different paths and that the main reason af the divorce is that they are really different people with different interests and outlooks in people an the world.

Robin and her hubby ere married for about 5 y and they met each other in 2015 and during it she had another beloved one. She also said that she was happy with the life they had together and everything

initially was good but she mentioned that what they connected and made togheter could never last long as the main connecting thing was not permonanat and currently nothing can connect them.

She as well mentioned an said that she is trying to pay all her attention on her work.

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