The German Shepherd was robbed in full daylight and his owners searched for him quiet long time

The German Shepherd was robbed in full daylight and his owners searched for him quite long time

Rico, 3 years, German Shepherd, vanished in June. The dog bolted out the backyard in chase of a toy, as per his owners, and was away in less than a second.

A videotape of a stranger dragging the dog down the street was saved on one of them, but nothing vital was found.

Natasha and George looked for the dog for more over 6 months.

And then something extraordinary happened 14 months later. Somebody really arrived at their door one hot August evening.

The sound was weak and hardly audible, so one of the family members went to inspect the front entrance and said, “There’s a gigantic sheep dog here!”

The couple ran to the porch and noticed their Rico right away. He just stood there waiting, and when he saw the owners, he dashed over to them.

“I never gave up hope that I’d be able to find him eventually,” Natasha adds.” I thought it was Rico when I noticed dogs like him”

His owners believe it was because he had been kept shut up for a long period and had not moved.

However, his family vows to do everything possible to help him recover his health.

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