The Port Jackson shark was caressed by the swimmer, and she still comes up to him for a hug whenever she meets him

The Port Jackson shark was caressed by the swimmer, and she still comes up to him for a hug whenever she meets him

Rick met his sea friend about11 years before this while being a witness to a unique event. Rick witnessed the birth of the Port J. shark while swimming with a number of learners.

They are observed to be born with the length of more than 14-17 cm, and are able to increase to 1.8 m throughout time.

The swimmer came closer to the sharks and decided to try to brush one of the kid sharks with a hand. When Rick came to this destination and met those kids, the tiny pal didn’t forget him and approached him.

People can interact with Port J. sharks without getting any harm Lobsters and cephalopods are their main type of food they use.

Rick met his new acquaintance each several weeks for the 1st few weeks, and then each two month after that.

Eventually, the man changed his location and started to visit the sea less often than it did before.

He did, though, come closer to the kid shark that strolled right to him on each dive into the Barrier Reef.

Right at that time, she didn’t give an attention to the other swimmers and divers who were around.

In Australian continent not everybody gets to eat, hurt, or harm you. “The Environment is incredible,” Rick commented.