The story of the 2 circus elephants which were inseparable and then were apart for a long period of time

The story of the 2 circus elephants which were inseparable and then were apart for a long period of time

Both of them had a torturing past in the circus, they were enclosed and used by people for their various tricks and performances. They in fact had a lot of performances together and a long path as so-called colleagues.

This all may seem nice and exciting a bit, but in fact it is not so.

Some people say that they had a tough life, and they had to deal with a lot of things. All the animals which are leaving under the control of circuses and such places are used for different purposes,

and sometimes it is really very sad to see such scenes. Then we enjoy the performance of this kind of animals and overall all the animals we just get excited, we think that it is so beautiful,

enjoyable, pleasant, and funny for our kids and children and for us, why not as well. But maybe we think so as we do not see how they leave and how lonely and desperate can be their lives.

Fortunately, some people and volunteers knew about their life and condition,

and they rescued the animals and placed them in a refugee for animals, and here finally, these two animals met again, and it was really a touching and very sensitive scene.

They recognized each other from the first sight, no matter how many years passed.