This unique and only white-brown panda was left since childhood let’s see what happened after that

This unique and only white-brown panda was left since childhood let’s see what happened after that

This infant called Qizai, who was left by his mom at the age of 2 months, has also met hostility from other pandas.

He does, however, have a distinctive color. Qizai is white and brown, not black or white like all gigantic pandas. In China’s Hoping Panda Valley big pandas park, this uniqueness has given him a real fame.

In the Qinling Hills, Qizai was discovered weak and abandoned in a natural park. His mom seems to have simply abandoned the youngster. People are certain, though, that she was dressed in the traditional black and white.

How Qizai is a distinct color is still unknown; researchers can only speculate that it is due to an unique genetic abnormality.

Other pandas inside the park used to despise Qizai and would steal his food while he was smaller.

The partnership has calmed down, and Qizai now has his own “security officer” who watches after him during the day and ensures that he eats on schedule.

Quizay weights 100 kilograms and consumes 20 kilograms of bamboo every day. “Qizai is a little slow than other panda bears, but beautiful, polite, amusing, and charming,” a security guard said.

The one brown panda in the world, who was left as a newborn, has eventually discovered love.

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