When a pregnant lady helps a homeless pregnant cat the pair become best friends and give birth the same day

When a pregnant lady helps a homeless pregnant cat, the pair become best friends and give birth the same day.

Lauren Maners has dedicated her life to treating abandoned cats and giving them new homes.

However, she opted to stop helping during her pregnancy owing to her concerns.”

Lauren was adamant about her choice… Until she saw a cat called Dove one day.

According Maners, she and her hubby saw an injured pregnant cat on the roadside one-day while driving home:

“I was aware that she was in poor health, and I also felt a feeling of attachment with her since we were both towards the end of our lives,” Maners recounts.” We got the cat by tempting it with food scraps and taking it to the doctor.”

The vet checked the cat and recommended the appropriate therapy. The cat was subsequently taken to Maners’ home by her and her hubby.

The pair named the cat Dove and started to search after it on their own. Dove soon adjusted to her new surroundings. And before long, the two pregnant pals were spending the majority of the time together!

Maners says, “She accompanied me everywhere I went.” “In the mornings, she wanted to sit in the garden with me and allow me touch her tummy as we ate breakfast.”

“They could have been born at the same moment,” Maners speculated.

Both moms’ babies increased in size and ability. They began to demonstrate curiosity in one other over time.