Indonesian officials have saved the world’s rarest rabbit after finding a post on Facebook by a farmer

Indonesian officials have saved the world’s rarest rabbit after finding a post on Facebook by a farmer

After checking, appeaed that rabbit is one of the most endangered species in the planet. It was managed to rescue in Indonesia thanks to a FB post that attracted the attention of strangers. A local farmer captured the rabbit under suspicious circumstances and put it on the market.

The farmer decided to take him in because he had a minor injury on one side. Then you’ll sell it. Plants and Animals, a conservation group, came across the message and promptly tracked down the farmer.

He was apprehended, and they decided to restore the rabbit to its native home, from which it had clearly emerged. Activists for animal welfare are ecstatic that they were able to assist in the liberation of such a unique species

A man is said to have seen the animal near the river on the borders of the park. Deborah M., a biologist specializing in fauna and flora, is convinced that this surprising fact was a very important scientific discovery. It seems that these bunnies are still causing havoc in Sumatra.

What makes the striped Sumatran rabbit so unique? To begin with, their secrecy and refusal to communicate with others. Only about ten museum specimens in the Netherlands provide information on its appearance. Second, the Sumatran rabbit was seen for the first time only a few years ago, in 1997.