This cow really needs hugs and attention he always comes close to the window and requires them

This cow really needs hugs and attention he always comes close to the window and requires them

There are people who always claim that animals who live on farms are not smart enough, they think that only pats need attention and only they are witty.

There is a cow on the farm that comes close to the window every morning and requires attention and love.

So the story of this cow is a bit complicated this cow was born and could not produce milk which is why it was decided that the animal should be killed but the owner of one small farm, not a very big one decided that he can keep the animal in his farm and not to kill him.

When Rian fit got the news of the animal and knew that they want to kill him he decided that he will save and since then they build a good connection and became friends, and they are still friends from that time up to now.

It is a good and interesting habit for the anima to say hello to the owner and then go on with the day. It is a bit unusual to see such a connection between a cow and a person.

So it is one of the first stories. The owner of the cow says that the cow considers him his fateful friend and that is the nicest feeling.

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