A generous lady lets an old opossum dwell in her basement

A generous lady lets an old opossum dwell in her basement

Raccoons, while not the first creature that comes to mind when thinking of adorable creatures have their very own appeal.

Mckeown damn dirtycracker commented, “This is Henry.” “My grandmother’s garage is where Han resides.

She put up a nice space for him to relax and gives him lots of good stuff because he’s quite elderly and has trouble walking.”

While many homeowners strive to keep possums out of their garages, Hank has been taken in by his auntie.

She has a dilapidated shack with plenty of space for the beast. He is welcome to wander and go as he pleases.

This connection has been ongoing since Hank arrived a few decades previously, and he appears to be content with having a place to call home.

He stayed around more as he grew older, eventually, he chose to set up shop in the basement.”

Possums live for a brief duration and can be aggressive. Hank has been around for a few years.

Animals live for a brief duration and can be aggressive. Hank has been around for a few years.

Many Reddit members expressed surprise at falling in love with the cat after viewing the picture of him snuggled up in the basement.

They are such amazing creatures that we can talk about them for hours.