A kind-hearted Brazilian priest and dog lover welcomes street dogs into his church in the hopes that they would be adopted

A kind-hearted Brazilian priest and dog lover welcomes street dogs into his church in the hopes that they would be adopted

Street dogs in Gravatá (Pernambuco, Brazil) are aware that they will still have a roof over their heads and food if required. Perhaps even the proprietors!

The thing is, a pastor named Joo Paulo lives there, and he is an extraordinary guy.

The man is so fond of animals that his church’s doors are constantly open to 4-legged orphans. So according Joo, he has always loved animals but has never had the opportunity to help them.

As the youngster grew older, he became interested in assisting abandoned animals. Those dogs who find their way to Joo today are

extremely fortunate, as the pastor takes them to church with him.

This is done not just to assist animals in leaving the streets, but also to tell them to find new homes! The truth is that when the Christians arrive for mass, the 4 legged pals join in as well.

They can take a peaceful stroll through the rows of seats or snooze soundly in a corner. That is why when one of the worshipers adopts a puppy that Joo Paulo adores, he is overjoyed.

At such times, the priest believes he has done a good deed by assisting a homeless animal in finding loving owners.

If the dog becomes ill, the priest takes it to a veterinarian for treatment.