A meal was organized by the dog shelter. The turkeys are not the main course this time, but rather guests.

A meal was organized by the dog shelter. The turkeys are not the main course this time, but rather guests.

This tradition of honoring dates back to 1986, and it demonstrates their intelligence and sweetness.This year’s event was dedicated to five rescued turkeys, and it was jam-packed with stories about their daily lives at the refuge.

Tutu “TheCharmer,” Ferris “TheHotshot,” Sandy is “TheSweetheart,” VenusThe Champion,” then JackieThe Queen” are this year’s spokesturkeys. Tutu was rescued from the farm by a painter who intended to use art to communicate her tale, and she was subsequently taken to the refuge.

She is currently one of the sanctuary’s most laid-back turkeys.Ferris avoided becoming a meal and now lives in peace in the refuge. Sandy was saved during the devastating Natural catastrophes. She’s turned into an adoring fowl.With the help of his sibling Serena, Venus was rescued. On the farm, he seemed to be debeaked, which bothered her.

Jackie is now a farm’s boss, although he became frail and bashful.There are 46 ,000,000 animals in the refuge.The major goal is to change people’s perceptions about these creatures. We must all value the lives of animals.The feast’s cuisine added side salad with fresh cherries and pears, as well as a pie

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