A Russian teenager rescued two lynxes from a fur farm and rehabilitated them with dogs and horses

A Russian teenager rescued two lynxes from a fur farm and rehabilitated them with dogs and horses

Anastasia Wozniak, a Moscow citizen, rescued and harbored two lynx babies from the dreadful “fur industry.”

Ana and the other employees of the tiny kennel «Lynx and Seven Kayaks» have eight puppies, three ponies, and two genuine lynxes, Gerald, and Buns.

Anastasia was already living with a huge number of animals when the kitten Gerald emerged in her home in 2018.
She was concerned about her pets’ reaction to Gerald.

Gerald, on the other hand, grew raised in a happy environment and was at ease among dogs. He grew into a really attractive man.

Bun then emerged in the lives of a huge family of humans and animals in 2019.

This is a very amazing story because gathering their animals which are from different spices is not a very good idea, but as we see it works.

Gerald, of course, was the most at ease and satisfied. It was excellent with animals, but even better with a kindred spirit!

Some people responded inappropriately and began to menace, forcing the firm to relocate. So far, it’s just an apartment, but now a rural mansion for the entire family is being erected.

Take a look at this stunning lady! Kittens have grown up. Gerald, Bun, and other dogs’ photos are endlessly charming!

Anastasia intends to rescue another young lynx in the future. Or perhaps none at all.

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