Dart is an amazing dog who guarded his deceased master for about 5 days is looking for a new place

Dart is an amazing dog who guarded his deceased master for about 5 days is looking for a new place

Workers of the Kyiv Pet Rescue Organization are concerned about just the fate of Dart, a beloved 5 dogs, and are using social media to locate him a permanent place.

They are searching for him a place to stay to feel comfort and love, as they think previously the dog didn’t get such attention from his owners.

They really hope that all the animals in this world can find their place to feel safe.

The cops told animal rights activists about just the dog. Due to the pet’s tenacious defense of his owner, federal agents were unable to enter the home where the man allegedly died.

Whenever the dog was tranquilized with a tranquilizer, it was discovered that the master has perished 5 days before. The dog was distressed by the death,

and she had been shut up for several days without becoming able to walk or eat. And that was really awful and the dog at first was weak not able to walk constantly, and he was a bit afraid.

Dart is currently under constant supervision and awaits the arrival of new parents. Conservation groups are hoping for a response from a conscientious and loving owner.

The Cane Corso is an excellent protector, as well as being intelligent and devoted. The dog is a friendly, exceptional, and shareholder family member.