During a tropical vacation with celebrity friends, Jennifer Aniston is all smiles in a black biкini

During a tropical vacation with celebrity friends, Jennifer Aniston is all smiles in a black biкini

Jennifer Aniston is having the time of her life with her celebrity pals! The actress shared a photo from her summer vacation with Jimmy Kimmel and Jason Bateman, where she was enjoying the nice weather and working on her tan.

The actress posted a video from her tropical vacation in which she is seen wandering on the beach.

The 54-year-old actress flaunted her great form in a black biкini. Jennifer appeared to have spent the day swimming in the water and tanning, since her hair was damp and she was wearing a black-and-white towel wrapped around her waist in the video.

The actress was holding a cocktail in her hand while laughing with her friends. To protect herself from the sun, she also wore a straw hat and sunglasses.

The video was included in her recent “Summertime photo dump,” in which she revealed some other enjoyable events from the previous few weeks.

Another photo shows Jennifer striking a pose in a stunning black dress next to Jimmy’s wife Molly McNearney and Jason’s wife Amanda Anka, as well as a photo of the group of friends participating in a casual conversation and wandering about their vacation destination.

The actress shared a snapshot of her lovely puppies Lord Chesterfield and Clyde with her fans and followers.

Jennifer is also recognised for leading a healthy lifestyle, working out regularly, and incorporating beauty treatments into her daily routine. In one of the photographs, the celebrity is seen relaxing in what appears to be a sauna suit, joined by two of her friends.

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