Every day this man tries to do the make up his wife and the reason for this is so touching you can never guess

Every day this man tries to do the make up his wife and the reason for this is so touching you can never guess

We grow,we become older and that is a part of our lives and it is completely normal. All we need to to is to be flexible adaptable and try to do everything to be in harmony with our age.

When you gro your body changes and you can lose such things that you never appreciated during being young and healthy.

Mona is one of that kinds of people who lost his vision and also has got trembling hands and is not able to do her make-up every day because of these health problems.

Initially, Mona was very upset because of this and that made her worry a lot, but now she does nor need that as her favorite hubby decided to cheer her up and learned some key rules to be very helpful for her wife in doing makeup.

He was very courageous and was ready to do everything just to hel her wife and make her as happy as it is possible. Of course, for this man, it was not very easy as we can now see in the video.

The couple has been married for 56 y and they are still in love with each other. About this situation, some famous makeup artists commented as well.


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