How Ben Travolta tries to impress his daddy during a long walk by jumping from a high place into a ground

How Ben Travolta tries to impress his daddy during a long walk by jumping from a high place into a ground

Ben Travolta, John Travolta’s effects associated son, is on display at a gymnasium center, flying from poles and ceilings like Spider-Man.

John Travolta is really pleased of his son Ben’s abilities! On Thurd, the Pulp Fiction star shared a video showing his 11-year-old son leaping from a crossbar to a landing landing on a block on Insta.

The 68-year-old wrote on instagram, which received millions of views and countless remarks, including from celebrity friends.

John was not the one to brag about his son’s achievements on media platforms. “My Spider-Man! Ben!” John captioned a photo of Ben swinging from club to club and jumping from street to block on April 24.

As Ben takes on the endurance test layout, what looked to be his trainers or tutors stayed quiet, encouraging him. Ben appears to be developing into a skilled athlete!

John and Ben were last seen on April 17, because when family spent Easter with John’s sister Ella, 22. In a sweet video that was posted to Insta by the 68-year-old actor, the family of seven looked so happy altogether.

Benjamin clutched their recently implemented dog, Mac N Cheese,. “Hello everyone,” John said, accompanied by his children, who said, “Happy Holiday!”