Kitten rescued from a charity meets a new bro who looks almost like him and the two become quite close

Kitten rescued from a charity meets a new bro who looks almost like him and the two become quite close

In the right moment, a small tiger kitten was rescued from death row and offered a new furry bro who looks exactly similar to him.

Unagi has arrived!

Unagi the kitten was rescued from a wildlife central controller in Yamaguchi County, Japan, in June.

“In my break from work, I happened to see on a webpage that a wildlife center had a kitten that looked precisely similar to my cat,. Kittens are only allowed to stay for 7 days “Suzume’s true mother spoke out.

She slept all day on June 29, the cat’s ultimatum, and drove to Yamaguchi at 4:30 a.m. to retrieve the kitten. Unagi was transported to his new home after such a trip to the veterinarian.

After the arduous ordeal, he was terrified and remained in the backpack for just some time.

“Whenever I got him, he was 2.5 months old and measured 860 lbs, a little heavier then Suzume.”

Suzume has also been saved, much like the kitten. He went charging when he heard whimpering from the loungeroom. They exchanged greetings from afar.

Both kittens were given their own room by their parents so that they could be officially introduced.

Suzume came over frequently during those time to assess on the visitor and was eager to learn it all about him.

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