Meet this beautiful creature this is one of the few cats that won the Guinness record, See her adorable pictures.
Nowadays, owners like their pets to have social media accounts. And we can be very often animal’s account.
Their owners love them so much and are happy with their every movement, they even want to share it with all over the world.
Surprisingly, sometimes there are pets who ha more followers than famous stars do.
This means that cute animals are more in demand than people, if you are the one who is also interested in Animal Life check Neil’s pet page.
Recently, this funny and at the same time beautiful creature became the animal that has the most followers on Instagram, for which he got the award.
4.3 million followers! Can you believe it?
The owner took him from a shelter when he was only 3 months. Neil’s sister advised her to open an account for this kitty, and that worked very well.
These animal pictures got not only a lot of likes, but a lot of funny and loving comments.
During a short period, this animal’s pictures got so many likes that finally he got a certificate for that.
Look how beautiful is this cat in pictures, and he is even better in real life.
The amount that owners got from this profile is going to be used for good things.