Reproduce for Longevity Do Not Display reshape the heads of French bulldogs to improve their quality of life

Reproduce for Longevity Do Not Display reshape the heads of French bulldogs to improve their quality of life

Many years ago, the organization of dog shows became popular and in demand, dogfights were banned.

The impression of an animal plays a big role in the exposure of dogs, which is why dog breeders have tried to make the appearance of dogs more attractive.

Whatever happened to the French bulldogs, who had several breathing problems, people are now trying to fix it by treating their muzzles. One of these people is Chantal van Cruising.

Her dream is “To bring to health. Do not “show” and do not change people’s points of view so that they care more about the health of their pets than about their appearance.

French bulldogs have brachiocephalic Respiratory syndrome (BOAS), which means they have trouble breathing, even when walking lightly, with their tongues sticking out.

The syndrome is caused by a skull defect, which is caused by a special reproduction.

The goal of this girl is to change the mindset of dog owners, judges at breeders’ shows, and take more care of their health.

She is disappointed that the reproduction of dogs is so full of secrets that breeders hide information about the health of the breed,

so the veterinarian’s assistant is so accurate in her tests, all the results are available on her website. Transparency is important.

What do you think about restoring the health of these cute dogs?

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