Senera Williams and her daughter were seen in the streets of Paris wearing similar clothes and looking extremely gorgeous

Senera Williams and her daughter were seen in the streets of Paris wearing similar clothes and looking extremely gorgeous

Serena demonstrated that Olympia, her daughter really looks like her. In identical hot pink Balmain mini skirts, the mom and daughter looks stunning.

Long armed, short tops, and the characteristic Balmain design ran throughout the entire garment were all fantastic elements.

In the sequence of photos, they formed a range of priceless positions. Olympia moved from the fire to a crimson ottoman bench in the last shot.

Serena and Olympia have spent some mommy and me alone together combining two before, and it won’t be the last. s.

They’ve even coordinated their tennis attire! While they’re out alone, they always appear to have a good time– particularly when they’re combining two!

And it’s possible that she’ll get another mini-me in the near future.

Serena has expressed her desire to have more children.

“I certainly really want more kids,” she told ET. “It’s just like, control is very important, and I’m just attempting to find that mix.” “I’m not sure.” ‘OK, are we fully prepared?’ was always like.

‘OK, I’ll have to find out if that is,’ but hopefully very soon while I won’t be under any strain.” She also might probably retire if it is necessary for her to grow her family.

We might be able to anticipate a baby bro or sister for Olympia in the near future!