The supporting words of Nicki M. for her colleague Britney S. about the dance the public and her fans didn’t like much

The supporting words of Nicki M. for her colleague Britney S. about the dance the public and her fans didn’t like much

We can’t see this very often in showbiz, but it appears that there are some queens supporting the other ones, like Nicki supports Britney after the fans called her not the best dancer.

“While I was in Maui, I filmed 30 live videos… that’s enjoyable to me!!!” Britney started an Insta video in which she danced.

She also wrote that she is aware that a lot of people think that she is not the best dancer, but at least she enjoys it. The “Me Against the Music” singer wrote on instagram.

“And honestly, as much as I’m dancing and showing my body publicly in small ways at about this point… that’s healthy to me!!!”

Minaj, a rival pop sensation and artist, came to Britney’s rescue. “Are you a bad dancer?” BRITNEY! BABY, U are a perfect dancer you should keep IT THERE!!!!”

In the comment page, she screamed. “[Y]ou ARE the most talented dancer!!!” “Now that it’s out of the way, what’s next?”

She asked, and wrote, “BIG bucket of ENERGY,” a reference to their Sagittarius sign meaning that both of them have the same sign.

Spears may receive the support of her friends, as she proceeded in the article to discuss how dance started to be her ”remedy”.