This cute but sad puppy tried to learn to smile in order to find an owner and permanent home for him

This cute but sad puppy tried to learn to smile in order to find an owner and permanent home for him

All dogs that end up in a shelter dream of finding a new home and owner as soon as possible. Every day they humbly wait and meet each new visitor.

But there are those who want to speed up the process of “adoption” and in every way try to please people.

So this little black Labrador, whose name is Burro and he lives in the shelter of the Humane Society, Louisiana, also decided not to sit idly by, but to act.

When the puppy was 2 months old, together with his sister and brother, they ended up in a kennel for catching dogs. The dogs were then taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment.

When the family recovered, they went to an orphanage, where they took Brother Burro first. Apparently, this spurred the puppy to meet each visitor with a smile.

Seeing this, the shelter workers also decided to help the puppy and made a video, which in a short time collected more than 400 likes and a lot of comments.

The meeting with the new owners was not long in coming. The young couple really liked Burro, who took the baby home. Now the puppy lives in a new house.

Only now his sister remained in the shelter, but the workers believe that thanks to the story with Burro, she will also soon find new friends for herself.