This dog had some problems with brain and was thought to be euthanized but some magic happened

This dog had some problems with brain and was thought to be euthanized but some magic happened

This dog was born and raised since 2016 .He is smiling dog had huge problems seriously. After birth, the dog was adopted by a nice and caring woman called Jennifer.

Jennifer understood that smth went wrong and the dog had some brain problems. At the time that the owner noticed that something is wrong with the animal, it was already 6 months old. Before that period when she noticed it, the dog was usual and did not have any unusual things on it.

But after the woman showed the animal to the vet, a sad moment came to the sad moment as it appeared that the animal had some physical problems.The problems were connected with the brain, and it was very serious.

The girl was very sad to learn that as well. He also had some problems with nose and breathing.

Anyway, the dog was considered to be the nicest and cutest animal for the owner.It was then decided to euthanize the dog, which was not very desirable.

But the owner at the last minute took the decision not to do that.She decided to spend money on it. And every month the owner gives around 2000$ to the vet clinic for the treatment of the dog.

It is much for a year but it is worth that, as she really adores the dog and thinks that it is woth.