This kitten is so brave and nice firstly it was just stuck in a tree and could not move read what happened next

This kitten is so brave and nice firstly it was just stuck in a tree and could not move read what happened next

It’s not every day that you come across a cat stranded in a tree. Ashley Pennington, though, found himself in that sort of situation one day while walking her dog.

She noticed a couple small meows before she even left the house but can not place them. But when the perplexed woman returned from her walk a few mins later, the cat was mewing much harder than before.

Pennington recalls, “I was a little worried that a cat would be in the tunnel area, so I walked outside but finally found a kitten sitting out in a branch.”

Pennington was eager to help the tiny stray kitten back to safety when she found him. She went to get a scaffold to remove the small fellow from the tree’s limbs after opting to do it herself.

Pennington assumed her duty was done once the animal got down safely. The daring brown tabby she’d rescued, on the other hand, had different ideas.

Rather than continuing on his journey, the cute fur ball kept brushing up between Pennington’s ankles, unwilling to let go for even a 2nd.

And when the cat noticed her nice dog Otis sitting around in their yard, he knew he’d be in fine company. As a result, he dashed into the family’s back door, which his saviour had left propped open unintentionally.