When a seal comes across a crayon drawing of itself it simply can not stop cuddling it and adoring it

When a seal comes across a crayon drawing of itself it simply can not stop cuddling it and adoring it

If there’s one thing sweeter than a seal, it’s a little cute toy of the same color and look as a whale with a fuzzy cute toy.

The zoo volunteers gave this funny creature at M. Land, a tourist hotspot in Japan’s Hokkaido prefecture, a special gift: a small whale that appears very much like the’mini me’ form of the seal.

They decided to do so and see the reaction of the whale and it became obvious that the seal really liked the small whale very much and started playing with it very often.


The seal was obviously enamored with the new whale because he can not really stop caressing it, bouncing on its back, and hugging it to its chest. There’s no doubt about it: this is ridiculously cute.

The zoo volunteers gave this lovely creature at M.Land, a Japanese amusement park, a unique gift.

It was really very special and cute so everybody liked it and the whale as well.


A plushie that sounds exactly like the seal’s’mini me’ form! It is almost exactly the same as the cute whale, one can not even decide which one is cuter.

The whale can not really stop caressing it, traveling on its back, and pressing the object against its chest.