When her sweetheart was taken away in an ambulance the worried goose accompanied him nice photos

When her sweetheart was taken away in an ambulance the worried goose accompanied him

A magnificent goose traveling in a hard manner owing to his broken foot was observed by the personnel of a wildlife care facility.

Arnold, the gentle animal, was taken to hospital.


It is such a kind and caring story full of love passion love and different other good and positive emotions. Animals are always prominent by their care, and how they treat others.

It shows their difference with people.

Arnold required surgery, it was discovered. He’d suffered a nasty injury to his foot. He had some pains and that is why he was to be taken to the clinic or hospital very soon.

The team also heard odd voices during surgery. A worried visitor emerged from the doors. Arnold’s fiancée was really concerned about her boyfriend and wished to be with him during his difficult moment.

She’d accompanied the personnel to the hospital in order to visit her husband.

Arnold’s operation went well, thank goodness. And her female companion stood there the entire time until they were done. The gang got him back after the operation to put the girl at rest.

Arnold is now getting treatment in order to completely recuperate, and his companion remains with them. She didn’t abandon him. They appear to be inseparable companions.