Why Did Kardashian Invite Grandmother Michael Jackson To Her Northern California Marriage ceremony

Why Did Kardashian Invite Grandmother Michael Jackson To Her Northern California Marriage ceremony

According to a household insider, She needed to have her grandma MJ (no one else!) at her Northern California courthouse marriage ceremony.

Kardashian wants to get married, but she didn’t want to marry Travis Travis absent her grandmother Mary Jo Mcbride, and only grandmother– at her bedside.

Kris Jenner’s mother, who lives 20 minutes away in San Diego and is colloquially known as MJ, has already been upfront about her

medical problems and has been in extended seclusion during the plague. But Kourtney, 43, made it a point to attend the small-scale

courtroom wedding. Only a few policemen, Travis’ dad Randy Berger, and MJ ended up showing there.

They informed HL, “Kourtney is Kris’s first kid, and as a result, she does indeed have a unique affinity with her grandma MJ.”

“Having her at her side when she married Travis meant a lot to them both, but it was one of its most memorable events of their life.” As during brief event, they both became teary.”

The person went on to detail the particular relationship that exists seen between grandma and her youngest grandchild.

“They’ll be the first to tell you that the two of them are remarkably similar,” they said. “When She decided to have this marriage to make it official, she sought guidance from MJ.