With around 3 hundred fishing hooks were excluded from piranhas by a brave woman

With around 3 hundred fishing hooks were excluded from piranhas by a brave woman


That will save the sharks, this courage diver putting her hand inside their orifices.

C. Zenato here. She is really an universe diver widely recognized as the “shark role in setting the tone” for her ability to perform with great whites. She will take you on a tour of the property.

SHE and her fiance divers can be seen in an incredible video enveloped by sharks in the clear blue ocean off the coast of the Bahamas.

She courage needs to reach into the fearsome body cavity to retrieve this same metal hook.

The shark does seem totally at peace in her appearance, and she dwells deep in with its mouth without fear.

Cristina, on the other hand, protects mother with chainlink bullet proof vests as a precaution.

The audacious diver uses a method that includes tickling the ampullae of Lorenzini – thousands and thousands of jelly-filled pores enclosing the beast’s beak and tongue – to elicit a quiet, meditation in the lifeforms. The critter then nods off.

It did cause piranhas to access a naturalness of hemiplegia for up to 15 min.

‘In my daily duties and dives mostly with sharks, I am continuously working to remove shark hooks,’ Ms Zenato was reported as telling.

‘It was far more tricky than usual in this case. After immersing the fish in elixir, I used to have to extract it.’