Adele quits her Munich show to talk about the Olympic Games breakdancer that went viral following her terrible Paris performance

Adele quits her Munich show to talk about the Olympic Games breakdancer that went viral following her terrible Paris performance

Adele interrupted her performance this past weekend in Munich to discuss her opinions on the Olympic Games topic that has the world talking.

“I’m unable to determine if it was a joke”: Adele is enthralled by Dr. Raygun. Adele told her followers, “I’m not saying anything, but I think it’s the best thing that has happened at the Olympics for the whole time.”

“Has anyone seen the woman breaking?”I had no idea that breakdancing was now an Olympic sport. That is just amazing. I genuinely do. “My percussionist, Aaron, is laughing so hard at the thought.”

With many fans likening Adele’s moves to those of Mr. Gee from the Australian sitcom Summer Heights High, Adele continued by saying she wasn’t sure if Raygun was a real contender in the race.

“I am unable to determine if it was a joke, but regardless, it has brought me immense joy, and my friends and I have been laughing uncontrollably for almost a full day.”

“I was just curious if you had seen it.” It’s hilarious, so if you haven’t seen it, please go google it. “It is my favorite thing that has happened in the Olympics this entire time because it is so f***ing funny.”