S. Whitfield from the Real Housewives says she begged Kandi B. not to blame Phaedra

S. Whitfield from the Real Housewives says she begged Kandi B. not to blame Phaedra


Sheree W., the Real Ladies of Atlanta , spoke on Pay Attention, Shee! — HollywoodLife’s Desperate Housewives show — on April 28 on why she wanted a sabbatical from the series and why now would be the greatest moment to return.

She also shared who she believes will bring one of most turmoil to Seas 14 and why she’s thrilled Marlo H.got her fruit!

When it comes to key previous occasions, Sheree expressed her desire for Kandi Burruss and Phaedra Holloway to be able to put their lengthy animosity behind them.

Fans may recall that Phaedra concocted a rumor that Kandi accepted the drug and exploit her co-star P.Williams. During a lunch date involving Porsha and Kandi in Season 9, the allegation was aired, although Porsha never identified her origin.

During the four-part homecoming, viewers learned that Phaedra is also the one who made the charge, and Kandi rushed out in sobs when she uncovered the truth.

Phaedra was dismissed after the reconciliation, and she has still yet to atone her Kandi.

When we told Sheree how she felt about the dispute now, she said, “I honestly think it’s awful, but I see all perspectives.”

“I spoke with Kandi about this because I had suggested it to her.”