The mother of the family thought that she buried their pet and announced it but the cat appeared unexpectedly

The mother of the family thought that she buried their pet and announced it but the cat appeared unexpectedly

The kitten Kitty, who was alive and untouched, did not comprehend her landlord’s excitement, so had no idea that she had been burial in the backyard only a few hours before.

Cheryl Schmidt, who is from Indiana, was extremely upset and unhappy when got that her kitty died.

Her hubby immediately found evidence of a creature not too far from the home, which had obviously been struck by a car.

The lady was really sad. She took care of Kitty and thought it would be good to put together a funeral ritual to properly send her out on her final voyage. To the frustrated owner’s loud sobs.

Kitty remained safe and happy, but she didn’t pretend to know her landlord’s joyous demeanor.

The interred animal’s body would have to be taken up and transported to the vet. Cheryl believed that the chip would allow the physician to determine the identity of the deceased cat.

The hospital, however, discovered a surprising truth: it’s a bunny, not a cat!

The doctor proposed that the family incinerate the animal’s remains, but Cheryl denied that, keeping saying that a lovely cemetery was already prepared.

She asked everybody in her family not to tell what happened to her.But her son Edward posted the photos on insta FAM chat.