While the homeowner goes away the cat blasts noise and awakens the block of flats photos

While the homeowner goes away the cat blasts noise and awakens the block of flats

A cat in Lugo, Spain, chose to maintain a big party late one Saturday evening, equipped with loud music from a communications system. As a result,

harvey awakened an entire apartment block in the small dawn of July 25, leading residents to call the police.

The involvement of the cops in the Ronda das Fontias compound this saturday was prompted by delayed home gatherings. Besides the cat, but nobody was home this time.

The mother of the girl is now out of town on industry at the moment.

They were surprised to see that the cat would often use its claws to flip on the loudspeakers and make songs. From period to period, the level control would be tinkered with as well.

The cat, but at the other paw, kept its music down down to avoid disturbing the neighborhood. He didn’t turn the sound down; rather, he pushed it all the way to the top so that everyone in the house could understand him.

Surprisingly, the night even before cat cranked up the volume, residents in the Ronda das Fontias hosted a party. Because of the loud music, neighbor called the cops about 12:20 a.m.

Officers were dispatched after hearing music originating from of the area.

They then demanded that the land owner turned off the sound. Police then filed a report saying that the pollution control law had been violated.