The hottest new mother! Blake Lively amazed fans with her perfect body after 4 births

The hottest new mother! Blake Lively amazed fans with her perfect body after 4 births

In February 2023, a 4th daughter was unexpectedly born to the family of Rayon Reynolds and Blake Lively.

Just a couple of months before the birth of the next heiress, the blonde regularly appeared in public, and no one could have thought that the beauty was pregnant.

Apparently, over the previous 3 pregnancies, Blake learned to hide her interesting position until the last minute and get into shape with lightning speed after giving birth.

Despite the fact that the couple’s youngest daughter is over a year old, the parents still hide the baby’s name. But fans of the family have already learned to solve the riddles that the actors present to them.

When Ryan and Blake’s third daughter was born, the couple’s close friend, singer Taylor Swift, spoke about the baby’s name. Then in one of the tracks the girl hinted that the girl’s name was Betty. Therefore, this time the couple’s fans were especially looking forward to Taylor’s new album.

As it turns out, fans were thinking in the right direction. The singer’s new album contains a track called Robin. Fans immediately drew attention to him, especially since naming their daughters with male names is already a favorite tradition of the couple.

An insider close to the family confirmed fans’ guesses. So most likely the girl’s name really is Robin.

However, Ryan and Blake themselves continue to remain silent. They are already accustomed to keeping their personal lives secret and never make exceptions. At the same time, together Ryan and Blake look simply perfect; looking at them,

you can’t say that they have been together for more than 10 years. Recently, the couple went for a walk together. Blake wore straight-leg blue jeans, a black T-shirt and sneakers. And Ryan was wearing a loose shirt, trousers and a cap.