This wandering cat appeared in th zoo and started interacting with a lynx and other animals which appeared to be very nice

This wandering cat appeared in the zoo and started interacting with a lynx and other animals which appeared to be very nice

Is it realistic for domesticated and wild animals to be pals? Yes, as evidenced by experience. Furthermore, if they are of the similar type, they will have no trouble finding a shared language.

They can be good friends, team players and so on.

A wandering cat from St. Petersburg once traversed the city looking for food. She travels a lot in different places, finding a lot of attention.

That day, she was quite fortunate. She had not only discovered food, but really a close companion. Not just to do the cat find some stubs in the trash, but he also did find some food scraps.

The cat was fortunate to come across enormous portions of beef bone.

All of this deliciousness was discovered at the zoo, in the cell of another animal – the links.At first, it was strange to see these animals together, but it turned out into smth nice and beautiful.

If the meat is actually owner noticed how an unauthorized guest was dining on her meal, she appeared to tear it to shreds. She eats with her for breakfast, lunchtime, and dinners.

Furthermore, because the aviary is hotter than the outside, the cat is warming up by leaning against the lynx.

The wandering cat rewards her by licking her fur.